Circuit data
Circuit length: 5.451kmRace distance: 56 laps / 305.066km
Full-throttle: 55%
Top speed: 310kph
Longest flat-out section: 19s / 1.37km
Right/left-hand turns: 9/7
Tyre wear: medium
Brake wear: low
Downforce level: medium/high
Gearshifts per lap: 52
Source: BMW, 2007
2010 tyres: hard (prime, no stripe), soft (option, green stripe)2009 tyres: medium (prime, no stripes), super-soft (option, green stripe)
2008 tyres: hard (prime, no stripe), medium (option, stripe)
Pit lane loss: 23s (extra time taken entering and exiting the pit lane)
Shanghai International Circuit video lap
Shanghai International Circuit map
Circuit construction- Longest straight: 1.175km
- Maximum uphill slope: 3%.
- Maximum downhill slope: 8%.
- Total asphalt used (base, binder and wearing courses): 173,000 m2.
- Total length of tyre barriers: 6,500m, using a total of 174,000 units.
- Total guard rail: 11,700m.
- Total FIA safety fencing: 9,350m.
- Total number of concrete piles: 40,000, totalling 800,000m.
- Total spectator capacity: 200,000
- Main grandstand spectator capacity: 29,000
Video courtesy of Red Bull
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